Wednesday 1 June 2016


2011 World Cup All Blacks vs France Haka (NZ Won)

All Blacks vs Australia

Prince Harry and some NZ Army personal 

Haka at a wedding

The Haka
The Haka is ancient Māori war dance traditionally used before battle and when tribes came together in peace. The Haka is are a fierce display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity. Actions include violent foot-stamping, Pukana (tongue poking), rhythmic body slapping and loud chants. Sometimes a haka can be performed so powerfully, that one of the people doing the haka can have a heart attack. The words of a haka often describe ancestors and events of the tribe's history, or how "you are the chiefs" or victors (this is kind of hard to explain, but what I meant by the previous statement was that you have to prove how powerful and full of mana you are, and how good a warrior/chief you are).
Today, the Haka is used during Māori ceremonies and celebrations to honour guests and show the importance of the occasion. This includes family events, like birthdays and weddings.
The Haka is also used to challenge opponents on the sports field. 

Sorry we haven't uploaded anything we were away as it was the Queens (British Queen) birthday and we got days off to spend with family, or in my case train for karate for 6 hours ;-;

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