Tuesday 31 May 2016

Maori Warfare

Māori warfare involveds hand-to-hand combat, with weapons designed to kill. Maori fought for land, resources, mana (spiritual power) or as revenge for insults. The traditional Māori creation story was also based on war. 

Māori Creation Story (simple)
After separating Ranginui (the sky father) and Papatūānuku (the earth mother), their sons fought. Tūmatauenga (also known as Tū) won, and punished his brothers.
Tūmatauenga was the major war god. Others included Kahukura and Uenuku, both war gods associated with rainbows, and Maru, a war god in  The Taranaki region

Making peace 

At the end of a war it was vital to make peace. Sometimes arranged marriages between the victors and high-ranking women of the defeated tribes were used to seal peace.

Some Maori Weapons Include

  • Taiaha (fighting staffs)
  • Pouwhenua (pointed fighting staffs)
  • Tewhatewha (axe-like fighting staffs)
  • Tao (short spears) and huata (long spears)
  • Patu (clubs).

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