Tuesday 14 June 2016

More Matariki information


Matariki are a constellation of 7 stars in the New Zealand sky, which, when visible after the arrival of the new moon, signal the arrival of Maori New Year.
The Japanese have their own name for the Matariki, which is Subaru (which the car brand is named after). They are also called the Pleiades star cluster.

The importance of the Matariki stems from them signaling the arrival of a Maori New Year.

To tell when it is Matariki, wait until you see a new moon in the sky, and then try and spot the Matariki. If you can, then it is Maori New Year.

Some rituals that the Maori would participate in when the time of Matariki were: they would harvest crops and have a big feast. Nowadays, when the time of Matariki arrives, people fly kites (to symbolise reaching the heavens, as Matariki were thought to be the eyes of God)

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