Wednesday 29 June 2016

Maori games
Poi Rakau
Poi Rakau is a type of Maori game, involving rakau or weapons (or in this case, carved sticks or branches) that was used to keep warriors sharp and quick thinking.

One person stands in the middle of a circle made by the other players, by 6 or more people, with the people making up the circle standing about 3-5 feet away from the person in the middle. The ‘Putahi’ starts the game by throwing the korari upright to someone in the circle. That person catches the korari with one hand, keeps it upright, and then quickly hand passes it (not throws it), using either the left (maui) or right (matau) hand, to a person immediately to their left or right. The person who receives it then throws it, upright, back to the person in the middle. A fast-paced co-operative game is played to a rhythmical beat or an appropriate waiata. The ‘Putahi’ throws randomly and speedily, turning quickly to catch and then throw the korari. Depending on their skill levels, the catchers can add difficulty by keeping their hands behind their backs until the korari is thrown to them.
Image result for poi rakau

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