Wednesday 8 June 2016

Family questions and replys

Tō : one person
ō : two or more
Taku : one person
Aku : two or more
Any thing with  a dash on the top (ō etc) means to or more

Circle or highlight the right one


Ko wai tō/ō matua/mātua ?
Who is your father

Ko wai tō/ō māmā ?
Who is your mum/mom?

Ko wai tō/ō matua/mātua ?
Who are your parents?

Ko wai tō/ō kuia ?
Who are your grandmothers?

Ko wai tō/ō teina/tēina ?
Who are your yonger sisters?

Ko wai tō/ō tuakana/tuākana ?
Who are your older sisters?

Ko wai tō/ō tungāne ?
Who are your brothers?


Ko Hirini taku/aku matua/mātua
Hirini is my father

Ko Maria taku/aku māmā
Maria is my mum/mom

Ko Hirini rāua ko Maria taku/aku matua/mātua
Hirini and Maria are my parents

Ko Hīria rāua ko Irihāpeti taku/aku kuia
Hīria and Irihāpeti are my grandmothers

Ko Amiria taku/aku teina/tēina
Amiria is my younger sister (sibling same gender)

Ko Hine taku/aku tuakana/tuākana
Hine is my older sister (sibling same gender

Ko Hata rātou ko Ihi ko Piripi taku/aku tungāne
Hata, Ihi and Piripi are my brothers



Ko wai tō matua ?
Who is your father

Ko wai tō māmā ?
Who is your mum/mom?

Ko wai ō mātua ?
Who are your parents?

Ko wai ō kuia ?
Who are your grandmothers?

Ko wai ō tēina ?
Who are your yonger sisters?

Ko wai ō tuākana ?
Who are your older sisters?

Ko wai ō tungāne ?
Who are your brothers?


Ko Hirini taku matua
Hirini is my father

Ko Maria taku māmā
Maria is my mum/mom

Ko Hirini rāua ko Maria aku mātua
Hirini and Maria are my parents

Ko Hīria rāua ko Irihāpeti aku kuia
Hīria and Irihāpeti are my grandmothers

Ko Amiria taku teina
Amiria is my younger sister (sibling same gender)

Ko Hine taku tuakana
Hine is my older sister (sibling same gender

Ko Hata rātou ko Ihi ko Piripi aku tungāne
Hata, Ihi and Piripi are my brothers

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