Wednesday 29 June 2016

Maori games
Poi Rakau
Poi Rakau is a type of Maori game, involving rakau or weapons (or in this case, carved sticks or branches) that was used to keep warriors sharp and quick thinking.

One person stands in the middle of a circle made by the other players, by 6 or more people, with the people making up the circle standing about 3-5 feet away from the person in the middle. The ‘Putahi’ starts the game by throwing the korari upright to someone in the circle. That person catches the korari with one hand, keeps it upright, and then quickly hand passes it (not throws it), using either the left (maui) or right (matau) hand, to a person immediately to their left or right. The person who receives it then throws it, upright, back to the person in the middle. A fast-paced co-operative game is played to a rhythmical beat or an appropriate waiata. The ‘Putahi’ throws randomly and speedily, turning quickly to catch and then throw the korari. Depending on their skill levels, the catchers can add difficulty by keeping their hands behind their backs until the korari is thrown to them.
Image result for poi rakau

Ki o Rahi - Taonga Tākaro (Maori game)

Ki o Rahi - Taonga Tākaro


The game is based on the legend of Rahitutakahina and the rescue of his wife Tiarakurapakewai. The game is a reflection of story telling at its best, as well as provides an insight into the way in which they would explain and design Tākaro to reflect their unique "world view". 


A large team game played between 2 teams, kioma and taniwha on a large circular field. Played for 4 quarters or 2 halves of a set time, teams alternate roles of Kīoma and Taniwha at half or quarter time.
Kīoma score by touching Pou/s with the Kī (for potential points) then running the Kī through Te Roto and placing it down in Pawero to convert pou touches into points. Kīoma stop the other team, Taniwha.
Taniwha score by hitting the Tupu with the Kī. Kīoma will have Kaitiaki (guardians) around the Tupu to stop Taniwha from hitting the Tupu. Depending on which variation is being played, Taniwha must stop Kīoma from scoring by either touching, 2 handed touch, ripping the tag or tackling them in the appropriate area.


14 People minimum (7 a side)


A good size field/area will be needed to play. click the link below for a sample of a field layout:
Ki o Rahi is played on a circular field with concentric circles.
The size of the field varies depending on the amount of players, level of fitness and the type of rules being played.

Team zones

Kioma can go into Te Marama, Te Ao, Pawero zones. Te Ara is for the Kaitiaki/guardians to get in and out of Pawero to help attack or defend the Tupu. Te Roto can only be used by Kīomawhen running through to covert Pou touches into points.
Taniwha can go into Te Roto and Te Ao zones only.


A wide range of skills will be learnt and improved while playing Kīo Rahi.
Running, sidestepping, being evasive with a Kī
One handed and two handed accurate passing and catching
Flag/tag ripping skills
Jump shots and accurate shooting/throwing
Communication and team work


1 tupu (central target) approx 40 gallon drum or rubbish bin.
7 pou.
Ki, woven flax ball, normal ball, rocks, rolled up jersey or anything.
Field marking.
Team ID.


Play is started from te Marama, with Kioma throw or kick the ki to a team mate in Pawero area.
They attempt to pass the ki to team mate who touches a pou (for a potential point) then can touch more pou to accumulate more potential points or run it through te roto  then place the ki on or over the Pawero line to convert all pou touches into points on the board. (this is the only time they can enter te roto).
Kioma can not go through or over te ara to score.
If a kioma player is “tagged” in te roto while trying to score it is a hand over, if they run into te roto and run or pass the ki back out with out being touch they retain possession but the pou touches are recounted.
Kioma scores and play restarts with a kick off from te marama.
Out of bounds, last team in possession hand over to other team.
Taniwha scores by hitting the tupu with the ki and play carries on.
Jump shots may be allowed if the taniwha player jumps from te roto and releases the ki before landing in Pawero, they must leave immediattely and not affect play or Kioma gain possession.
Players in possession must be moving or they have 3-5 seconds to pass or shot or hand it over.
Players can not enter te ara, unless they are kioma moving between pawero and te ao.
Players may get the ki from other zones as long as part of their body stays in their legal zone, Taniwha may take jump shots at the tupu as long as the ball is released before they touch the ground. (some Iwi play no entering other zones or penalties may occur) This is called the Turangawaewae rule.
We have attached a couple of variations of how it can be played. Keep an eye out on this site for video instructions!


Nonoke (tackle)       
Full contact version, which is also the traditional method of play. Tatū (negotiation of rules and conduct) is an important part and necessary process of Nonoke. Teams negotiate what's acceptable in the way of contact i.e. no head high tackles, no shoulder charges, substitutions etc. Tatū also governs and negotiates how teams will conduct themselves on and off the Papa Tākaro (Field)            
Nonoke                     click here for basic rules
Ripper version  If attacking player gets ripped they have 3-5 seconds to pass the ki.
Touch version  Touched with the ki, 3-5 seconds to pass, some Iwi play handover if touched with the ki.

Tupu Tangata  2 or 3 players in the pawero are the tupu, so taniwha try to hit them to score, kioma / tupu  try to karo / avoid being hit.

Source :

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Matariki questions

What is the importance of Matariki?
Traditionally, depending on the visibility of Matariki, the coming season's crop was thought to be determined. The brighter the stars indicated the warmer the season would be and thus a more productive crop. It was also seen as an important time for family to gather and reflect on the past and the future.

When do you know it is Matariki?
When it is late May or early June, when you can see the seven Matariki stars and when its the new moon.

What are some Rituals Maori do during Matariki?
Matariki is the time to spend time family, give thanks to Papatuanuku, to remember whakapapa, to rest after planting crops/the harvest and to reflect

Tuesday 14 June 2016

More Matariki information


Matariki are a constellation of 7 stars in the New Zealand sky, which, when visible after the arrival of the new moon, signal the arrival of Maori New Year.
The Japanese have their own name for the Matariki, which is Subaru (which the car brand is named after). They are also called the Pleiades star cluster.

The importance of the Matariki stems from them signaling the arrival of a Maori New Year.

To tell when it is Matariki, wait until you see a new moon in the sky, and then try and spot the Matariki. If you can, then it is Maori New Year.

Some rituals that the Maori would participate in when the time of Matariki were: they would harvest crops and have a big feast. Nowadays, when the time of Matariki arrives, people fly kites (to symbolise reaching the heavens, as Matariki were thought to be the eyes of God)

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Family questions and replys

Tō : one person
ō : two or more
Taku : one person
Aku : two or more
Any thing with  a dash on the top (ō etc) means to or more

Circle or highlight the right one


Ko wai tō/ō matua/mātua ?
Who is your father

Ko wai tō/ō māmā ?
Who is your mum/mom?

Ko wai tō/ō matua/mātua ?
Who are your parents?

Ko wai tō/ō kuia ?
Who are your grandmothers?

Ko wai tō/ō teina/tēina ?
Who are your yonger sisters?

Ko wai tō/ō tuakana/tuākana ?
Who are your older sisters?

Ko wai tō/ō tungāne ?
Who are your brothers?


Ko Hirini taku/aku matua/mātua
Hirini is my father

Ko Maria taku/aku māmā
Maria is my mum/mom

Ko Hirini rāua ko Maria taku/aku matua/mātua
Hirini and Maria are my parents

Ko Hīria rāua ko Irihāpeti taku/aku kuia
Hīria and Irihāpeti are my grandmothers

Ko Amiria taku/aku teina/tēina
Amiria is my younger sister (sibling same gender)

Ko Hine taku/aku tuakana/tuākana
Hine is my older sister (sibling same gender

Ko Hata rātou ko Ihi ko Piripi taku/aku tungāne
Hata, Ihi and Piripi are my brothers



Ko wai tō matua ?
Who is your father

Ko wai tō māmā ?
Who is your mum/mom?

Ko wai ō mātua ?
Who are your parents?

Ko wai ō kuia ?
Who are your grandmothers?

Ko wai ō tēina ?
Who are your yonger sisters?

Ko wai ō tuākana ?
Who are your older sisters?

Ko wai ō tungāne ?
Who are your brothers?


Ko Hirini taku matua
Hirini is my father

Ko Maria taku māmā
Maria is my mum/mom

Ko Hirini rāua ko Maria aku mātua
Hirini and Maria are my parents

Ko Hīria rāua ko Irihāpeti aku kuia
Hīria and Irihāpeti are my grandmothers

Ko Amiria taku teina
Amiria is my younger sister (sibling same gender)

Ko Hine taku tuakana
Hine is my older sister (sibling same gender

Ko Hata rātou ko Ihi ko Piripi aku tungāne
Hata, Ihi and Piripi are my brothers

Wednesday 1 June 2016


2011 World Cup All Blacks vs France Haka (NZ Won)

All Blacks vs Australia

Prince Harry and some NZ Army personal 

Haka at a wedding

The Haka
The Haka is ancient Māori war dance traditionally used before battle and when tribes came together in peace. The Haka is are a fierce display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity. Actions include violent foot-stamping, Pukana (tongue poking), rhythmic body slapping and loud chants. Sometimes a haka can be performed so powerfully, that one of the people doing the haka can have a heart attack. The words of a haka often describe ancestors and events of the tribe's history, or how "you are the chiefs" or victors (this is kind of hard to explain, but what I meant by the previous statement was that you have to prove how powerful and full of mana you are, and how good a warrior/chief you are).
Today, the Haka is used during Māori ceremonies and celebrations to honour guests and show the importance of the occasion. This includes family events, like birthdays and weddings.
The Haka is also used to challenge opponents on the sports field. 

Sorry we haven't uploaded anything we were away as it was the Queens (British Queen) birthday and we got days off to spend with family, or in my case train for karate for 6 hours ;-;